Graphictoria Roblox Download

  1. Graphictoria Roblox Download Pc


Jan 27th, 2018
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  1. Graphictoria was a project dedicated to reviving older clients of the game called 'ROBLOX', started in March of 2016 after my state of depression was over (I was depressed for 2 years, since 2014, not entirely over but it's better), it went well in the first few months, until I got a false DMCA sent by a Nobelium member, little did I know it was fake at the time, I had to find that out the hard way months later, but yeah, Graphictoria v1 shutdown on the 21st of July of 2016. Nothing happened until August of 2016.
  2. Graphictoria 2:
  3. I teamed up with Lillay and Janita to make forum software, called XDiscuss (hence, the name However, we wanted to continue Graphictoria with new intentions, so we did. It went pretty well at the first few months, gaining positive reactions from many people, including Roblox staff. However, Nobelium being Nobelium, they made a wall dedicated on hating me and Graphictoria (, and basically shit talked all my friends I had at the time, including Lillay and Janita, calling them fake and shit. Fast forward, we built up hate for eachother (Graphictoria and Nobelium) and basically started some sort of war. Then, Janita was talked over by Nobelium that I am a horrible person, which made her leak our private, site source code that's still available on this very day if you look hard enough. I was forced to recode the site, which I did however, I got yet another DMCA that looked extremely legitimate (but was fake, I didn't know), so that marks the end of Graphictoria 2.
  4. Graphictoria 3:
  5. Whimee made the 'oof meme' we all know and love, and we had a few talks. Eventually, I agreed to continue Graphictoria and shutdown the XDiscuss social network that existed for a bit after the shutdown of the second Graphictoria website. Because I was afraid of another DMCA, despite them being fake (which I didn't know), I went for a custom approach, making my own assets and everything. It went great for a while, we had ads, income, beefy servers, a steady community and staff team, however, Nobelium once again striked but differently, they talked over all of our staff into believing I'm a horrible person and somehow believed it, making them all quit at the same day (April 15, 2017), and that's when I decided to end that too because I couldn't continue.
  6. Finobe:
  7. After Graphictoria 3 shutdown, Nobelium almost immediately made a site to 'revive Graphictoria', it was called 'Graphictoria Reborn', and guess what? All of my staff was in there. They made a lot of fun of me in their Discord and made fun of me for using custom assets handmade. I then reacted by rebooting Graphictoria once again.
  8. Graphictoria 4:
  9. After Finobe started, I decided to form a new team with new staff members. I did that right because I still have one of the most important staff members on my side to this day. Everything went great, and I then learned all of the DMCAs were faked after having direct contact with legal team members at Roblox. The whole Graphictoria seemed very bright with thousands of new users every 3 days, dedicated servers and a whole entire new website with a very clean codebase. But then, the people at Nobelium/Finobe decided it was enough and spread rumors of me being a pedophile, their proof being fake messages they typed up on their own. In the meantime, they have decided to dox me and make Graphictoria script exploits to spam the skyboxes with 'the truth of EnergyCell', my IRL face and body (which is why I pretended to be a girl since) and doxxed my family and spam called me on my phone, and someone called the police on me making them believe I was raping kids at the time, which of course, I didn't.
  10. Shortly after, Finobe/Nobelium/brainwashed Graphictoria members made a Discord server dedicated to collecting 'proof'/fake messages to make a video against me, which gained a lot of attention. This video in question was a documentary filled with lies all over the place, but we're dealing with kids here, and everyone believed all of their things they said to me. They've said that I'm a pedophile in public, and the video quickly gained thousands of views on YouTube, leaving me powerless. The Graphictoria forums got raided, the games got raided with both exploits and chat spam, and a staff member decided to raid my discord while I was sleeping, spamming links of the video in question.
  11. Then, not not long after, people made a very believable story (which is all faked, too) 'confirming' I'm a pedophile and that the FBI was contacted. I couldn't take it anymore and pulled the plug on Graphictoria for the last time ever, still to be witch haunted to this day.

Graphictoria Roblox Download Pc